Drie PPPPPunk/NOISE/NO WAVE-concerten in de concertzaal Central Station van WORM: de trance-achtige sonische uitbarstingen SESSIONS en vierkoppige post-hardcore noise-punkband All Male Videoshop. Plus nog een derde act TBA.
Three PPPPPunk/NOISE/NO WAVE concerts in WORM’s Central Station concert hall: the trance-like sonic outbursts SESSIONS and four-piece post-hardcore noise-punk band All Male Videoshop. Plus a third act TBA.
21:00-21:35 Central Station Room: **SESSIONS** concert
22:40-23:15 Central Station Room: **All Male Videoshop** concert
23:30-00:00 Central Station Room: TBA
- Boomgaardsstraat 71
Rotterdam, 3012XA - Website:
- www.worm.org